Gnoma Garna V2.3

Gnoma Garna V2.3 has just released!


-Creatures now scale with difficulty too!

   -Chickens lay eggs more often on harder difficulties, and less often on easier ones.

   -Moyai now shoot quicker, and their explosions are stronger on harder difficulties. The reverse is true on easier ones.

   -Squids now shoot more often on harder difficulties, their ink doesnt linger on easier difficulties, and it lingers longer on harder ones!

   -Jellyfish stings now last a shorter time on easier difficulties, and longer on harder ones.

   -Toad spit wears off faster on easier difficulties, and slower on harder ones.

-Added 7 new structure presets, bringing the total to 32!

-Added a new tile; The giant lilypad! This massive lilypad can support very heavy structures!


-Whale gushes are now much more powerful.

-Magnet no longer pulls the stopwatch, and pulls other abilities with less force.

-Moyai blasts can no longer be heard cross-continentally.


-Fixed an issue introduced in V2.0 where matches would often collide with water lilies, instead of burning them.

-Fixed an issue where the lone large lilypad structure, and by effect, the whale, would sometimes spawn inside the spawn platform.


Gnoma Garna Play in browser
Nov 04, 2024

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