Gnoma Garna V2.4.1

Gnoma Garna V2.4.1 has just released! (The Extra Shiny Patch)


-Revamped the portal! Now, when using the portal's second use, you throw a blue portal. When this lands, it teleports whatever it hits to the first portal. This includes creatures and other abilities. You can also hold S to just teleport to the first portal like before!

-Now, while holding S when the metal ability is active, you stop making stomp blasts when landing.

-Raincloud now fades away after 15 seconds.

-When playing on tutorial difficulty, the spawn platform is immovible, like in workshop mode.

-Giant creature icons in the menus have a slightly different texture when on 100% spawn rate.

-Added particles for when something teleports through a portal, and for when the first one lands.


-Made the rain cloud's snow texture for christmas a bit whiter.


-Fixed an issue where certain lengths of metal beam and concrete seen in hard and extreme weren't affected by abilities.

-Fixed an issue where one of the structure presets added in V2.4 had a gurentueed Moyai spawn chance.

-Fixed an issue where trying to stand on an egg would sometimes cause weird physics stuff, making it a bit unreliable to launch from.


Gnoma Garna Play in browser
55 days ago

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