Gnoma Garna V2.4

Gnoma Garna V2.4 has just released! This ones a small one, but theres a bigger one in the works?


-Added 3 new structure presets, bringing the total to 35.

-When hovering over menu buttons, they now have a lil' hover animation.


-Temporarally removed zero gravity mode, as it broke.

-Added the Christmas event! This is active whenever your device time is set between Dec 18th - Jan 1st.

   -Crates and tall crates have a chance to be replaced with presents. When touched, these will give a gift!

   -Kracken and squid wear Santa hats.

   -Sailboat sail has (dim) flashing red and green lights.

   -Raincloud drops snow instead of rain.

   -Added particles for collecting a present.


-FIxed a long standing issue where creates would block ladders from extending, dispite no longer colliding with them. This caused ladders to not extend when placing them on top of crates.


Gnoma Garna Play in browser
75 days ago

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